On 4-5th November a historical tour “Explore Reșița”, as a part of the “Muzeul Virtual 250” project dedicated to 250 years anniversary of industry, took place in Reșița.
With Bogdan Suditu from Bucharest NGO “Make better (MKBT)”, and the founder of “Muzeul Cineastului Amator” – Andrei Bălbărău, we have discovered some unexpected places around the town and learned history facts behind it.
This tour was conducted in 2 days and included a walking activity throughout Reșița, especially covering the old town’s neighborhoods. The buildings included in the tour did not have just a beautiful facade – these were the meaningful places that played an important role in the formation of the town’s image.
During the walk we learned that Reșița was one the most economically important cities in the western part of Romania, due to the amount of the industrial enterprises and production. The discovery route started from the current Eftimie Murgu University, which used to be a technical school, as well a “23 August Cinema” Theatre. Reaching our next destination point we could see that town was split between Reșița Montana inhabited by germans, and Reșița Romana with a customs check-point “Pod Vama” – the second welded bridge in Romania. Further approaching the old town locationswe learned about the neighborhoods that existed years ago and in the end were demolished in favor of extension of industry.
It was a very splendid walking tour around Reșița since the town itself is very old and keeps a lot of valuable history within itself. I think it is an amazing opportunity for locals and newcomers to learn about the place where they live, to actually realize what is behind this industrial town, how many people have made it possible to exist.
As one of the participants Stefania Pusu says: “I enjoyed the tour thoroughly, although I didn’t think I would. Mostly because I have lived in Reșița my whole life and I have grown tired of it. However, it seems like hearing the adoration some people speak about Resita ignites a spark in me. I was surprised to be taken into places I have never wandered in and find out precious information that I now can say I’m proud to add to my knowledge about my birth town. The historical tour was filled with wonder and I got the chance to discover the magic of the city that I have been discarding for so long.”
For me, this is great to see yet another great initiative, organized by caring and passionate people, to explore and get to know town properly. You can see a great portion of heritage hidden throughout the history of the town’s becoming.And it is great to hear as organizers said, that more of such tours will be performed again next year. Looking forward to hearing about these activities and learn even more!
Photographs by Ioana Ciolea
Autor: Anastasia Zhmankova
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